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Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies

The advancement of human knowledge in recent years has caused the emergence and expansion of new sciences and technologies. New technologies as a key technology and pivot of sustainable development are among the most important human achievements of the current age and pave the way for many of the human problems of the third millennium. Today, the position of countries towards each other is subject to their potential and capabilities in the new sciences and technologies.

Taking into consideration the need for various industries existing in the country, the region, and especially the province, the Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies at the Graduate University of Advanced Technology, relying on its capable, committed, and hard-working faculty members, students, and staff has started its activities to produce and disseminate knowledge in this sector since 2007.

Currently, this faculty with five departments including nuclear engineering, science and nanotechnology, earth sciences, photonics and applied mathematics is conducting educational and research activities in 14 masters degree programs and 3 PhDs. degree courses.

Among the main objectives of this faculty is to develop basic-applied research, to create an adequate competitive atmosphere to meet the needs of society and industry and in particular of the region, and to do research related to new technologies at the national and regional with the aim of creating change and promotion the countrys position in new technologies worldwide.


  • Earth Sciences
  • Photonics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • NanoTechnology
  • Nuclear Engineering
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