Home > Institutes  > Institute of Energy  > Laboratories in the Institute of Energy 

1- Lab. of Energy Management and Optimization
2- Lab. of Energy Systems Measurement
3- Lab. of Energy Conversion and Renewable Energies
4- Lab. of Fuel, Combustion, and Motor (to be established)
5- Bio-energy Lab. (to be established)

- analyzing and auditing energy in industry and building
- evaluating renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy
- measuring the environmental parameters required for management of electrical energy
- Data recording, storage and processing of measurement systems and analysis of experimentals
- managing and optimizing the energy systems
- analyzing the combustion and measuring the pollutants of industrial combustion
- measuring such parameters as speed, pressure, humidity, and temperature in air handling channels ambient
- measuring the characteristics of liquid fuels including their viscosity, heating value, etc.
- modeling and simulation of the energy systems including renewable energies
- analyzing the combustion processes as well as measuring performance parameters in internal combustion engines and industrial furnaces


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