In the name of God Major (Course): Geophysics/Geomagnetics Program: Master Introduction: The magnetic method, perhaps the oldest of geophysical, is the primary exploration tool in the search for minerals. In the magnetic methods the spatial variations in the Earths magnetic ?elds caused by variations in the rock magnetism are measured. The rock magnetism is mostly controlled by a physical property called magnetic susceptibility which in general is a tenseor quantity. Magnetic measurements, deponding on the final target, are made from the air (known as aeromagnetic) on the ground, at sea, and from space by satellites. Magnetic surveys are relatively inexpensive and have a wide range of use including mapping basement structure, such as locating intra-sedimentary faults, de?ning subtle lithologic contacts, mapping salt domes in weakly magnetic sediments, and better de?ning targets through 3D inversion. The recent improvements have increased the methods utility in all areas of exploration in the search for oil and gas, geothermal resources, and groundwater, and for a variety of other purposes such as natural hazards assessment, mapping impact structures, and engineering and environmental studies.
Contact: Email: Phone: Dr. Jamaledin Baniamerian (;, 09127237434 Courses Title: