Home > Faculties > Faculty of Mechanical and Materials Engineering > Department of Energy Conversion and Systems Engineering  

Mechanical engineering is one of the important branches of engineering which in general has a noticeable role in improving the life total quality and promotion of security of human life and also creating a promoting economy.  It can a human be stated that Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest engineering fields from the viewpoint of the scope of activities and applications.

It is the applied section of physics. Using basic physics and mathematics, it deals with the study of processes of energy conversion, the motion of objects, and the incoming forces on them. Given the results of its studies, it tries to put forth a new plan for technology and industry and paves the route of human progress.

Mechanical engineers, apply the basic principles of force, energy, motion, and heat and with their specialized knowledge, they design mechanical systems, devices, and processes and manufacture them. Mechanical engineers produce a broad range of devices, products, and processes. For example, engines and automobile and airplanes control systems, electrical power plants, medical devices, various parts and pieces of engines with microscopic dimensions to huge gear wheels, laser technology, design and manufacturing with the help of a computer, automation, and robotics, kinds of consumer products from air conditioning sets to personal computers and sports equipment, machines, and devices which produce each of these products massively are all areas related to mechanical engineering. 

Finally, it can be said that the majority of tools and instruments have applications in humans daily lives, and in another word, for every vehicle which moves or consumes energy, most possibly, mechanical engineering for inner has had a role in its design or manufacture.

Department of Mechanical Engineering of GUAT has started its activities in 2012 with the admission of students to Masters degree programs of any Conversion.  After that, the majors of Applied Design and Manufacturing were launched. And then the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Materials was founded and the majors of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering were integrated with it.

Department of Energy Conversion is now acting with three full-time faculty members and several visiting professors


Research Areas:   

1.       Clean and renewable several and numerical modeling of different problems in connection with new energies

2.       Fuel cells, fuel cells simulation for analysis of the effect of different parameters on its performance

3.       Energy-saving systems, analysis of electrical and thermal energy-saving systems   in combination with other systems

4.       Energy systems efficiency (optimization)

Achieving the most suitable combination for the production system of hybrid power, CHP, CCHP, etc.

5.       Solar applications

Numerical and lab simulation of different sol, items

6.       Compound thermal transfer

Analysis of industrial problems on a combination of different states of heat transfer

7.       Radiant heat transfer

Analysis of specialized issues of thermal radiation in different systems

8.       Computational mechanics of industrial systems

Using computational fluid dynamics in simulation and analysis of industrial systems

9.       The effect of fire on different structures

Study of the effect of fire on composite structures and optimizing them

Educational and Research Cooperation with Organizations, Industries, and Universities:

 1.    Lakehead University, Canada

Research collaboration

2.    Tohokou U,niversity, Japan

Research collaboration

3.    University of Lisbon, Portugal

Research collaboration

4.    Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Educational and research collaboration

5.    Kerman Islamic Azad University

Research and educational collaboration

 6.    Kerman Municipality

Research collaboration

7.    Electric Distribution Company, South of Kerman Province

Research collaboration

8.    Gol Gohar Mining and Industrial Company

Research collaboration

9.    Iranian National Copper Industries Company

Research collaboration

 10.Kerman Regional Electric CompaCoppersearch collaboration

 11.Kerman Combined Cycle Power Plant

Research collaboration

12.Barez Tire Factory

Research collaboration

 13.Electricity Distribution Company, North of Kerman Province

Research collaboration

 14.Kerman Cement Factory

Research collaboration


Mechanical and Materials Engineering Association

 Faculty Members:

Saber Sadeghi , Associate professor

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, (Major: Energy Conversion), Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Research Areas: Renewable energies, fuel cells, energy-saving systems, energy systems efficiency

Smart energy-savings a faculty member: 2013

Email: s. sadeghi@kgut.ac.ir



Morteza Abdolzadeh, Associate professor

Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering, (Major: Energy Conversion), Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Research areas: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=70cGYMAAAAAJ&hl=th

Start of activities as a faculty member:

Email: m.abdolzadeh@kgut.ac.ir

Tel. 03433776611


Khosrow Lari, Associate professor

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Major: Energy Conversion), Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

 Research Areas: Clean and Renewable Energies, Solar Applications, Transfer of Compound Heating, Transfer of Radiant Heat, Computational Mechanics of Industrial Systems, Effect of Fire on Different Structures

Start of activities as a faculty member: 2012

Email: k.lari@kgut.ac.ir

Tel. 03433776611


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